Water Conservation
For ages, we refused to consider water as a fast-dwindling commodity. It is no brainer that if we rank the natural resources in terms of our need to exist on the planet, water would only be second to oxygen. Yet, we are incognizant of its importance and pay no heed to the need for preservation and conservation of water, just because, we are blessed with the apparently incessant supply of it, which, so far, bore no cost on us individually. There is no such thing as free water in the world. Due to our laxity, we have almost reached on the verge of an alarming situation where we need to be whipped to come to terms with the conservation of all our natural resources, and more so for water. We have now, somehow, started feeling the pinch that we need to do something to combat this very problem of scarcity of water. Alas; it is too late to compensate for the loss we have already incurred. Water is significantly moving away from its regeneration and replenishment scope, hence it needs to ...